Friday, December 5, 2008

Harper role in the Conservative Party of Canada

The Conservative party of Canada owes its existence and its eventual demise to Harper. Harper has been able to unite the party by depending on the Western MPs (ExReformed) and Ontario's Harris leftovers who are paying their debt to him for delivering the reigns of government to the new and improved Reformed-Harris type Party. Depending on this group (Ont + Alberta), the other Conservative MPs are outnumbered and outvoted.

The demise of the Conservative Party will come when a MP from Ontario takes over the leadership and start taking the party to the ideological centre and therefore his inability to communicate on the same wavelength with the Western caucus. At that time, the party will split and the right will weaken again.

Harper may not be liked by his MPs but he is able to unify them and to him, they owe their paycheques.

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